Keep Portfolios Current
Graphic design changes according to trends over time just like any other industry. It is important to keep a design portfolio current. This means adding new work to the portfolio and removing redundant or dated work. New portfolio pieces should be created that address the most current trends. Detecting these emerging trends involves staying engaged with clients and the industry. A current and changing portfolio can draw in new business while also bringing back older clients.
Incorporate New Tools and Techniques
New technology affects graphic design in many different ways. Graphic designers should always strive to incorporate the newest tools and techniques when performing work. New software tools can provide unique effects that make work distinctive. They can also increase efficiency by making composition, layout and publication easier. Incorporating new tools and techniques will keep the business prepared for the demands of the future.
Get As Much Exposure as Possible
Graphic designers must get as much exposure as possible through advertising and marketing in order to attract work consistently. This means getting the name of the designer and some of the portfolio into many different websites and publications. Even small freelance job websites or local venues can help to generate business over time. Additionally, designers should take part in events and competitions whenever possible to increase the profile of the business. Marketing efforts should include both online and offline print strategies. The amount of exposure a graphic designer gets will directly affect the number of clients and leads generated each year.